Monday 25 November 2013

Indoor Shoes

Students, please bring a pair of indoor shoes to school. Walking around on a wet classroom floor is an accident waiting to happen.

FRENCH TEST: Le présent

7S and 7L: lundi le 2 décembre
-1e, 2e, et 3e groupe

Students, you MUST review your notes daily. Rewrite the verbs, and say the rules outloud. If you procrastinate and leave the studying until last minute...The result likely won't be pretty.

Science Quiz

7S and 7L: vendredi le 29 novembre
-théorie particulaire
-états de matère
-substances pures et mélanges

Poetry Analysis

7S and 7L: mardi le 26 novembre

Sunday 24 November 2013

Monday 18 November 2013

Thursday 7 November 2013

Student Led Conferences

Please remember to have your child bring back the sheet indicating which times are preferable for student led conferences. Thanks!

Reminder!! History Quests: La société en Nouvelle France

7S: jeudi le 7 novembre
7L: vendredi le 8 novembre