Parent and Student Resources

How to conjugate the Passé Composé

5 Themes of Geography
Check out this useful link for the upcoming quiz

Internal and External Forces
Some useful information:

French Novel Study "La Veuve Noire"
Students are expected to answer comprehension questions, look up vocabulary words, and write chains of events and resumes for each chapter. There will be comprehension and vocabulary tests in the middle and at the end of this novel study.

Seven Year War (globally) and French and Indian War (in North America)
SparkNotes Version of French and Indian War

Fun and Informative Video about the Seven Year War

Figures of Speech (French Poetry)
We are starting our French poetry unit. Check out these figures of speech we'll be studying.

Particle Theory and States of Matter
In Science, we are starting our chemistry unit "Substances Pures et Mélanges" :) Check out this website for more information.

Economy of New France/Population of New France English Resources

Great site for "connecting words" in French (Banque de mots charnière)

The present tense explained in English: (ER Verbs) (IR Verbs) (RE Verbs)

Science textbook available online:

History Sept/Oct

We are currently learning about New France. We have talked about important explorers (Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain), Catholic priests and Jesuits, Wood runners (les coureurs du bois), and will be learning about "Les Filles du Roi" and the other inhabitants of New France. 
Check out this link for more information in English:

Science Sept/Oct

We are currently learning about the interactions between abiotic (non living) and biotic (living) factors in an ecosystem. We have started learning about food chains and the relationship between producers, consumers and decomposers.
Check out this video for more information:

History and Geography textbook available online:

Strategies for helping your child in French Immersion:

1. Be sure to have French/French or French/English dictionaries, as well as a Bescherelle available at home. If your child prefers to use online tools, here are some good options:
a) (offers French/French and French/English dictionary options)
b) (editing and revision website)
c) (verb conjugation site)

2. Visit the website "Canadian Parents for French" for resources and activities for your child.

3. Maintain communication with your child's teacher(s).

4. Talk to your child about the importance of learning skills (which will appear on your child's report card): responsibility, organisation, independent work, collaboration, initiative and self regulation. The development of these skills will play an important role in your child's academic success.

5. Consider a French camp or exchange for your child. Visit for more information. The experience of being completely immersed in the French language would deepen your child's cultural and linguistic knowledge.

Other useful websites: (strategies for parents)